A bit of monk(ey) business over the Bank Holiday weekend
I’m going to be attending a medieval festival this Bank Holiday weekend (August 24-26), near East Grinstead, in Sussex, signing and selling several of my books. The gig is called England’s Medieval Festival and I have been to this shindig in previous years, at a different location (Herstmonceaux), several times and really enjoyed it. OK, they do make you dress up in medieval gear, if you want to have a pitch as a trader or an entertainer, which is kinda embarrassing, but it is great fun.

When this picture was taken I had only written about three books, I think (that’s why I look so young) but this year I will be bringing four Fire Born books to sell (sadly, Blood of the Bear, Fire Born 5, won’t be out in time), some copies of my new King Arthur novel, and a few Robin Hood books, too, for old times’ sake.
So come along to England’s Medieval Festival over this August Bank Holiday weekend and say hello to me in my monk’s outfit – and buy a signed book or two for your collection. If you want me to sign books of mine you already own, I’m happy to do that, too. The festival is a laugh, particularly for families: they have demonstrations of falconry, jousting that is as terrifyingly close to the real thing as I’ve ever seen. There are jugglers, archers, historical encampments, storytelling booths, blacksmiths, apothecaries, weapons demos, a tavern, food stalls and lots of people selling medieval crafts (and one guy selling terrific books!) and a bunch of people dressed up in medieval costumes, too. As I said, it’s great fun!

England’s Medieval Festival is at The Kings Grove, Pippingford, East Sussex this weekend (August 24th, 25th &26th) and I’ll be there on all three days. Click here for more info and tickets. Come and say hello!
Would it be possible to get a price list of the books you’ll have there, please? I just want to make sure I bring enough coin. Would you also have the first Outlaw book aswell as Grail Knight available in hard back, please?
Hi Sam, I can sell you a hardback Grail Knight but they are now quite rare and therefore valuable. I only have two in stock, and no more copies are being printed. I just looked online and I can get one from a dealer for £28.50. So I’ll let you have one of mine (signed) for £30. I know this is steep, and I’m really sorry, but that’s the way it is with rare books.The paperbacks are all £10 each (signed) and I will be bringing 10 paperback copies of Outlaw (the first one) with me. Can you tell me a) if you want them and b) what day you will be coming, so I can put them aside for you. The Outlaws might sell out fast. I’m mainly trying to sell then King Arthur book and the Fire Born Viking ones at the festival this time. Let me know as soon as you can. Best, Angus
Good evening. Thank you for your reply. As I’ve just started a new job, and i’m currently in that limbo between paydays, I’ll have to reluctantly decline the offer for the Grail Knight hardback book. I would like to clarify, would a hard back for Outlaw be unavailable? Or is it a similar situation as Grail Knight, and rare? Regardless, we will be coming on the Saturday, and I will still make a purchase of the Arthur book, and one from the Fire Born series too. Very excited for this weekend! Thank you.
Hi Sam, That is a relief, actually. I didn’t really want to part with the hardback Grail Knight. And the Outlaw hardbacks are even more rare as they did not produce them in the UK. I think it’s best, in fact, if we stay away from hardbacks altogether. I look forward to meeting you in person on Saturday, and you can decide then what you want to buy from my paperback selection. All the best, Angus