A few bits of rather good news . . .
I’ve got a new book deal. And I’ve finished the last book in another series. And there are more King Arthur episodes on the way. Read on for a thrilling round-up of my exciting literary life (I’m joking, obvs)
The headline is, I suppose, that I have just signed a contract with my wonderful publisher Canelo for a Mongol trilogy. The working title is “The English Mongol”, and it is a true story about an English Templar who fought for Genghis Khan for 20 years. I wrote a blog about it some time ago, link here. The first book (which I have already written) in the trilogy will be out in Spring 2025, and one out every year after that.
The second bit of news is that I have finished Blood of the Bear (Fire Born 5). I have agreed and signed off on the cover and blurb and so on with my Canelo editor, the brilliant Craig Lye, but it is embargoed till mid-April. So below is some artwork from last one: King of the North (Fire Born 4). If you don’t know the series, and I warn you that it’s bloody, but brilliant fun, start off with The Last Berserker (Fire Born 1).
Also I am going to start work tomorrow on Episode 4 (no title yet) of The Broken Kingdom, which is my episodic Arthurian fantasy novel. Episodes One, Two and Three are already out (20,000 words each episode and just 99p each) and Episode Four will be out very soon, probably at the end of April.
Lastly, I took a poll of my readers a few weeks ago, and it seems there is an appetite for another Robin Hood novel. I’m thinking possibly a prequel to Outlaw, or maybe one set during the Albigensian Crusade. Not sure which yet. I’m probably going to write that towards the end of this year. More news about that when I’ve chased all the Mongols, Vikings and Knight of the Round Table off my overcrowded desk.
So that’s it for now. I’m off now for a stiff G&T and a slap-up supper with my family!