History Cupboard #3 – Who Were the Berserkers?

I’ve started a YouTube channel called History Cupboard (based on the place where I do my writing and research) and I have just posted another video – this time about the berserkers. As my loyal readers know, the Fire Born series is based around the culture and mythology of these frenzied fighters. If you’re interested in the subject, you’ll find the video instructive. Watch, then like and subscribe, as they say.

I am planning a future History Cupboard episode in the form of a Q&A session. So if you have any questions you want me to address, about my work, about Robin Hood, Vikings, berserkers, future books, anything, drop me a line using the Contacts form above, and I will pick the best questions and answer them in a short video in a few days time. So go ahead . . . ask me. Anything you like.

The Last Berserker (Fire Born 1) is the first book in the series, which concludes with Blood of the Bear (Fire Born 5). These stories are available from Amazon as paperbacks, eBooks and audio books.

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