Robin Hood and the Caliph’s Gold

I’m trying something completely new (well, new for me). I’m attempting to crowdfund a new Outlaw Chronicles novel called Robin Hood and the Caliph’s Gold through Kickstarter in only one month (31 days). So I’m going to need help from all fans of the series. And I kinda need it right now!

I’ve made a video using this sword, which is one of seven replica swords made in Spain for the movie Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, starring Kevin Costner, for the Kickstarter page. And I’ve thought up loads of rewards for people who pledge money to the project – including membership of The Outlaw Club – but what I need is for people to help me spread the word (and, obviously, to pledge money).

So check out my Kickstarter page here and, if you can, lend a hand to getting this project up to its target. A lot of people say to me that they would like to read more of my Robin Hood adventures. This is your chance to help me make that happen. It’s is an all-or-nothing deal (like all Kickstarter projects) if we don’t reach the target of £17,500 by July 5, 2019, then the whole project if off, and I will have to find something else to write about.

So tell everybody you know about this, share on social media, chat about it in the pub, and pledge on Kickstarter whatever you can afford. Huge thanks in advance. Together we CAN make this happen!


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