And in other Robin Hood news . . .
I have a deadline in a few weeks to deliver the next Fire Born volume (The Saxon Wolf) to my publishers. And to be honest, I’m rather behind with writing it. So I’m not going to be doing much blogging and tweeting for a while, as I need to get on with chronicling the new bloody adventures of Bjarki and Tor. But stuff is happening in my world that I need to tell you about, so here are a few news items from Planet Outlaw that you might find mildly interesting . . .
Robin Hood and the Caliph’s Gold is now only 99p

All this month (April 2021), the eBook version of RHATCG will be on sale on Amazon for only 99p. Less than a quid for a book that took me four or five months to write, but that’s the novel-writing game for you. So, if you haven’t yet bought this new-ish instalment of the Outlaw Chronicles (volume 9), now’s your chance. It takes place in the series chronology between Holy Warrior and King’s Man and is about Robin and Co attempting a lucrative robbery in the Mediterranean on the way back from the Third Crusade. Anyway, you can grab a copy here for a frankly risible sum.
Outlaw now available again as in paperback

For about a month, maybe more, the first book in my Outlaw Chronicles series was listed as “out of stock” on Amazon. To be honest, I thought Outlaw had gone out of print, which made me sad, since it was my first novel (published way back in 2009) and has a special place in my heart. But – joy! – it was just a Covid glitch that meant the publishers’ warehouse had not delivered any more copies to Amazon’s warehouse. Or something. Anyway, you can now purchase it once more in glorious paperback, by clicking this link.
Robin Hood and the Castle of Bones to be an audio book

I have made another deal with those nice people at Isis Publishing (not that Isis, and that joke wasn’t funny last time either!) to create an audio book of RHATCOB. It is still early days yet but we are hoping to get Mike Rogers to do the voice (he did most of the other ones and did them brilliantly) and to release the audio version on Amazon in July 2021. That’s all I know at the moment. But I will update here on this site when I know more. Right, got to get back to writing The Saxon Wolf. Those legions of dastardly Franks are not going to slaughter themselves!
Angus Donald’s latest novel is The Last Berserker (Fire Born 1), an action-packed Viking adventure – available here.
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